Jujube Fertilization Point

Basal application of fertilizer – Fertilizing as early as possible after defoliation will result in good fruit quality, less falling fruits, and more yield.

⇒ Soil application with CERES (4-2-1+70% organic matter) 1000KG/1ha around November after defoliation and before the ground freezes.

⇒ Fertilize ONE PRO 952 1KG/1 week (For 3 year or older)

⇒ Soil application with NUTRI POWER 100KG/1ha.


Additional Fertilizer – Fertilize after completion of fruit setting (Fertilizing before fruit setting only promotes growth and development of branches and leaves and there is risk of defective fruit setting)

Sufficient nitrogen, potassium, and calcium must be supplied.

Mid to late July - Soil application with NK CALMA 300KG/1ha


Various Disorders and Problems that Occur During Jujube Cultivation


1. Frost damage, cold weather damage prevention – Mainly occurs during the shoot generation period

Occurs due to lack of stored nutrients caused by excessive fruition, early defoliation, and excessive fertilization of nitrogen.

Manage the nutrient after harvesting according to the fruition amount (Replenish with basic fertilization as mentioned above),

Sufficient provision of potassium and calcium during additional fertilization (Replenish with additional fertilization as mentioned above)

Improves low temperature resistivity when shoot generation occurs - Foliar spraying with SEAWEED F 500x

Foliar spraying with MAG MICRO 1000x to prevent early falling leaves during enlargement stage.

2. Fruit cracking prevention- Occurs when fruit is large and drainage is defective, and when there is a sudden change in moisture.

Promotes cell division during blooming time Foliar spraying with GS-BIG 1000x

Fertilize with calcium during young fruit period Foliar spraying with POLY CAB 1000x


3. Falling fruit prevention -Initial falling fruit occurs if pollination did not occur properly or due to dry soil during the enlargement stage. Anaphase falling fruit occurs due to excessive fruition and overgrowth.

Pollination and fruit setting management during blooming time Foliar spraying with GS BIG 1000x

Irrigation with THE ROOTS 20L/1ha and foliar spraying with DOUBLE F 250x for enhancement of root vitality during fruit enlargement stage.


4. Promote floral initiation – Jujube blooms in 3 stages

Foliar spraying with BALANCE PRO 1000x and FLAMINGO 1000x to induce 2nd, 3rd blooming after 1st stage blooming.


5. Sunscald fruit prevention – When strong solar radiation is received

When maximum temperature rises to 31 or higher and strong sunlight is expected after fruit setting Foliar spraying with SUNNY CAL 1000x


6. Manage insect pests like mite, plant louse, white fly, etc.: Eco-friendly bio products that replace pesticides

Foliar spraying with SSR-I(1,2) or JJB GOLD 1000x


7. Mold, bacterial blight prevention and treatment: Eco-friendly bio products that replace pesticides

Foliar spraying with SSR-ALL or MOLD OUT 1000x + CAP2018 500x mixture.