Pepper Fertilization Point


Basal application of fertilizer - Excessive fertilization of poorly decomposed compost or organic fertilizer is the main cause of nutrient imbalance and salt accumulation.

Gas stress caused by premature organic matter is fatal to crops.

Manage to ensure consistent supply of fertilizer.

⇒ Soil application with CERES (4-2-1+70%organic matter) 1000KG/1ha.

⇒ Soil application with ONE PRO 707 900KG/1ha

⇒ Soil application with NUTRI POWER 100KG/1ha.


Additional Fertilizer – Balanced nutrient management is needed to avoid overgrowth.

A stable supply of calcium is absolutely necessary for quality control.

Maintaining the vitality of the roots is key to long-term cultivation.

Irrigation with THE ROOTS 20L/1ha after planting for the plant to take root

Nutrient management Repeat fertilization at 30 day intervals for soil application with NK CALMA 200KG/1ha


Physiological Disorders and Problems that Occur During Pepper Cultivation


1. Pepper flowers wither and fall off before fully blossoming. - Calcium deficiency

Irrigation with CALSTAR GOLD 30L/1ha + foliar spraying with POLY CAB 1000x


2. As the tip of the pepper dries up, the fruit turns black - Calcium deficiency

Irrigation with CALSTAR GOLD 30L/1ha + foliar spraying with POLY CAB 1000x


3. There are many falling flowers and falling fruits - Nutrient deficiency, lack of root vitality

Soil application with NK CALMA 200KG/1ha + foliar spraying with LUK S 500x

Irrigation with THE ROOTS 20L/1ha for root vitality


4. Plant does not take rooting and withers after planting – Gas disorder, salt disorder

Foliar spraying with LUK S 500x + irrigation with SALT DOWN 20L/1ha


5. Decayed fruit (Side of the pepper is depressed with a dark brown spot) – When plant vigor is weak, calcium deficiency

Soil application with NK CALMA 200KG/1ha.


6. Drupaceous fruit (Fruit length is short and fruit skin is wrinkled) Defective pollination

If there is concern about occurrence of disorder due to low temperature or high temperature during blooming time Foliar spraying with SEAWEED F 500x


7. For stable blooming, pollination, and fruit setting

Foliar spraying with SEAWEED F 500x during the blooming time


8. Pepper surface is rough and bumpy rather than smooth - Nutrient deficiency during growth and development anaphase

Soil application with NK CALMA 200KG/1ha + foliar spraying with COMBI2000x


9. Coloring defect, does not taste spicy hot

Irrigation with SUGAR&COLOR 30L/1ha + foliar spraying with COMBI 2000x


10. Shoot chlorosis fallen leaves phenomena – deficient in micronutrients like iron, manganese, etc.

Foliar spraying with COMBI 2000x


11. Prevent and solve dry damage due to drought

Foliar spraying with DSD-1 1000x


12. Prevent and treat Phytophthora Blight

Irrigation with POSPHO 30L/1ha


13. Prevent and recover from anthrax

Foliar spraying with GLOSTAR 1000x + POLY CAB 1000x

Foliar spraying with SSR ALL 1000x or MOLD OUT 1000x


14. Prevent and recover from mosaic virus disease, wilt virus disease

Foliar spraying with SSR-C+ SSR- S 1000x + foliar spraying with LUK S 500x

Irrigation with SSR SOIL 20L/1ha


15. Manage insect pests like mite, plant louse, thrip, white fly, etc.: Eco-friendly bio products that replace pesticides

Foliar spraying with SSR-I(1,2) or JJB GOLD 1000x