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Drought and osmotic stress resistance enhancer

Trans-3-(3-Thienyl)acrylic acid, 2-[(E)-2-Phenylethenyl]benzoic acid (Drought stress)
product image

Features and Effects

1. The stress of crops due to lack of moisture is a big risk factor for loss of production. 
This product is designed to increase the resistance of plants to dryness and osmotic stress. 
2. Plants have a system that inhibits the evaporation of moisture by increasing ABA hormones 
in the case of stress due to lack of moisture, blocking pores. 
3. This product increases the viability of plants and contributes to productivity improvement 
 by controlling the opening and closing of pores in drought conditions similar as ABA hormone. 
4. ABA hormone inhibits plant growth or promotes aging, but the substance used in this product has an international patent 
and affects the opening and closing of pores without inhibiting growth or promoting aging. 
It is similar as the ABA hormone but has a completely different mechanism. This special material was patented in Korea. 
5. This product is a microelement fertilizer and acts as a physiological regulator for crops. 
6. Reduces stress on crops caused by water shortages, preventing yield reduction and quality degradation. 
7. Contributing to water resource management and overcoming environmental problems by using a small amount of water. 
8. Increases resistance of crops exposed to osmotic stress due to salt accumulation in the soil and prevents wilt. 
9. This product can be used as a functional fertilizer by mixing various types of products such as minerals, 
seaweed extracts, amino acids, etc. as a raw material by using this product as a raw material.

How to use


1. Never use it for any purpose other than agricultural use. 
2. Observe the dilution factor and do not use it in excessive concentration 
3. Be sure to wear protective gear as there is a risk of scattering when spraying. 
4. Spray with the wind against your back, and if it gets on your skin or clothes, you must wash it off.

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