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Polymer Coated Compound Fertilizer

For vegetables, peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes (17-10-17)
product image

Features and Effects

1. In addition to nitrogen, both phosphorus and potassium components are coated with a polymer.

2. After fertilizing, general fertilizer dissolves a lot of nutrients at first, and then decreases,

but this product is supplied at a constant level for 100 days from the beginning.

Cultivation for high quality harvesting is possible without excess or shortage of nutrients until the late stage of crop growth.

3. It is economical because the efficiency of fertilizer use can reduce the consumption of fertilizer

per unit area and the labor force due to fertilizer application.

4. It is eco-friendly because it can reduce soil pollution caused by salt concentration and reduce water pollution.

5. The fertilizer is hard and there is no powder, so the work is easy and the machine spray is possible 6.

It can be used for various crops such as rice crops, root vegetables, fruit vegetables, and leafy vegetables depending on the nutrition.

How to use

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