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General Calcium Supplements for Nutrition

Amino acid, CaO 17%
product image

Features and Effects

1. High-concentration and high-quality liquid calcium agent formulated with micronutrients such as amino acids, 
organic acids, boron and molybdenum for rapid absorption and migration from the leaves. 
2. It absorbs calcium quickly and smoothly moves the calcium to a place where cell division is vigorous, 
this it helps preventing calcium deficiency. 
For example, it is very effective for the prevention and resolution of rottenness of navel of tomatoes and red peppers, 
watery oriental melon, loss of shoulders of cucumber, inner browning of apple, dehiscent fruit of grape, softness of cabbage, 
decay of lettuce, Rotten inside core of onion and garlic. 
3. Cal-Star-Gold Solution strengthens cell membranes and strengthens crops It improves fruit quality through prevention of dehiscent fruit, 
improvement of storage, keeping freshness and etc.

How to use

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