도프 로고

Product Information

  • DOF
  • Product Information


An Alternative and Powerful Inhibitor

N 4%, P2O5 10%, K2O 3%, CaO 8%, B2O3 0.05%
product image

Features and Effects

1. When there is a concern of excessive shoot growth, overgrowth due to excessive nitrogen, 
the product prevents overgrowth of the surface part compared to the underground part and contributes to the yield of healthier crops. 
2. Use the product during the maturing period to enhance maturity and sweetness, while also improving storage performance. 
3. The leaves of leaf vegetables will growth thicker, and the tissue denser, 
preventing sagging of the plant during summer and enhancing resistance against diseases. 
4. When used on bulb vegetables, the sizes and storage performance of the bulbs will improve, as well as their numbers.

How to use

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