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Product Information

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Eco-friendly crop protection agent for pest control

Plants Extract, Microorganisms
product image

Features and Effects

1. KILL-KING is a granular product made using natural plant extracts and microorganisms. 
It is an eco-friendly crop protection agent that prevents soil cultivation of pests by soiling the life history of soil pests through the soil. 
2. During the life cycle of pests, it acts on the development process of eggs, larvae, 
and pupa that survive in the soil, reducing the viability and preventing growth. 
3. Plant extracts and microorganisms control pests and activate the roots of crops to prevent crop growth and root failure during planting. 
4. It helps to improve the immunity of soil and crops and prevents obstacles that remain in series.

How to use


1. This formulation is intended for soil spraying, so do not dilute it with water. 
2. Wear protective equipment when spraying and wash thoroughly with soapy water after spraying. 
3. Do not mix with acidic or alkaline agricultural materials. 
4. Supply water after soil treatment to settle and activate microorganisms.

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