도프 로고

Product Information

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Plants Extract, Organic acid
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Features and Effects

1. Manufactured using natural plants with strong antibacterial ingredients as main ingredients. 
2. Excellent safety as it is extracted using alcohol, the main ingredient of alcohol. 
3. The purity of the extract is high by reducing the pressure at low temperature, and the effect is high even in small amounts. 
4. By inhibiting spore germination and formation and inhibiting the growth of mycelium, 
both preventive and therapeutic effects are exhibited. 
5. Less risk of emergence of new resistant bacteria as it does not induce resistance during continuous use. 
6. It has very low toxicity to livestock and fish, so it can be used until harvest. 
7. It is chemically stable and is a liquid water-soluble product. It is easy to mix with other products such as pesticides and fertilizers. 
8. Available crops are not restricted and can be used as a comprehensive pest control agent for organic farming 
as it can be used against various pathogens.

How to use

1. Most diseases must be controlled at the beginning of the outbreak, 
and prevention-oriented spraying is effective before the germs are visible.
If the density is high, dilute to 500 times the concentration and drench it. 
2. Foliage treatment should be done so that the applied amount of the drug is diluted in water and buried sufficiently. 
(Spray about 200-300L of water per 1000m2 of fruits and 150-200L of water per 1000m2 of vegetables) 
Since this product does not have a penetrating effect, it must be in direct contact with germs, so it must be spread evenly. 
3. Spray scleroderma, vine blight, wilt disease, etc. so that the chemical is injected into the area that is in direct contact with the soil. 
4. The maximum amount used per time is 40ml of this product based on 20L of water.


1. Eco-friendly, but should not be drunk or get into the skin or eyes. 
2. As natural plant extracts may cause sedimentation, be sure to shake. 
3. It is more effective if you use penetration diffusion agent together. 
(Mixed DOF Speed Up is recommended) 
4. Avoid spraying when direct sunlight is strong during high temperatures and spray in the late afternoon. 
(Due to the nature of the product, there may be a decrease in the efficacy of the drug due to photolysis, so spraying in the late afternoon is effective)

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