도프 로고

Product Information

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Eco-friendly crop protection agent for controlling harmful bacteria

Plants Extract, Organic acid, Chelate agent, Copper & Zinc
product image

Features and Effects

1. It is a product made by synthesizing organic acids with plant extracts and inorganic compounds with antibacterial properties.

2. Conventional products used to replace chemically synthesized pesticides are mostly products

made with separate plant extracts or inorganic compounds such as copper,

but this product is made by synthesizing plant extracts and inorganic compounds

as chelates to have more powerful sterilization power. lost. This principle is pending a patent in Korea.

3. This product has direct sterilization by inhibiting the respiration of pathogens and inhibiting the enzyme action.

4. bacteria and fungi make a film is formed to prevent the penetration of foreign substances.

This product contains an appropriate penetration and diffusion agent to easily penetrate this film.

5. Application of these products can be used in various fields and pests

because it has a wide range of pathogen and less resistance to pathogenic bacteria.

6. This product has sufficient effect to replace chemical synthetic pesticides.

How to use


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