도프 로고

Product Information

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Hypertrophy cell expansion agent for first class high quality of products

L-Tryptophan, Vitamin & Organic acid, Chelate agents, Zn+B+Mo, Plants extracted, Polysaccharide, Plant-based size enhancer, enzyme
product image

Features and Effects

1. This product is a fruit cell expansion agent for producing high-quality fruits. 
2. It is a product made with functional substances essential for fruit cell expansion without using any chemical synthesis hormones, 
    promoting the absorption and movement of nutrients and inducing cell growth. 
3. It supplies nutrients necessary for cell activity as a product used from the early to late hypertrophy after the time before 
    and after flowering when cell division is most active. 
4. If there is a problem with growth due to climate environmental stress, such as hot and dry climate or over-humidity caused by rainy season, 
    this product becomes an energy source to increase stress resistance and help stable fruit obesity. 
5. Fruit grows normally without any side effects, whether it is hollow, easily soft, or tasteless, and it is rather hard and has a better storage 
    and taste as nutrients are enough supplied.

How to use



1. Do not use it for bulbs such as garlic and onions. Cell division is activated and there is a risk of stalking. 
2. This product is used for fruit trees and fruits and vegetables, so you can use it safely without any special danger from fruiting to auxesis. 
3. It can be mixed with pesticides or nutritional supplements, but small-scale tests are recommended. 
4. For dilution drainage, observe the recommended concentration 500 times.

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