도프 로고

Product Information

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Innovative Plant Nutrition Supplying Agent Based on Physiology

Plant extracts, Organic acid
product image

Features and Effects

1. The product is mainly based on natural plant extracts. 
2. By restoring the balance in growth at an earlier stage, the product prevents and suppresses overgrowth or over-fruiting. 
3. Plants that are well managed in earlier stages grow healthier and more resistant against diseases. 
4. For plants where a balance in growth between the underground part and the surface part is required, 
the product boots the growth in the underground part. 
5. The product accelerates bulb setting for cabbages or radishes, while helping the crops to growth vigorously and healthily. 
6. The color of the leaves gets more vivid, and the freshness is improved, enhancing the product values. 
7. The internodes become shorter and the stems become thicker, making the plant more resistant to lodging.

How to use

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